I’m a dog person. My second language is dog. I take life lessons from dog. I prefer to spend time with dog. So, when I finally made good on a promise to volunteer, it had to be about dog.
Because I’m human mix, I feared animal shelters. I expected my first day to be tough, but it was excruciating. The cluster “@$#*%!” of emotions hit me hard. Disgust with former pet owners, anger in the system, queasy at the sights, sounds, smells, and heartache over sad and anxious dogs. But, it was the unexpected that left a lasting impression…I was the only volunteer.
The next few months walking dogs, I crossed paths with only a handful of dedicated volunteers, and I always left the shelter troubled because dogs weren’t getting a walk. The shelter needed more volunteers, so go WALK shelter DOGS was born.
The way I see it, I’ve met a teensy tiny fraction of homeless dogs. To think of the shelters across cities, across states, and across nations. The number of dogs waiting to be recued is truly staggering. My wish is simple, raise awareness in order to rescue our best friends from the chain-link walls of a kennel, and give a walk.
Walking our shelter dogs won’t end pet overpopulation, it won’t stop animal neglect, but I hope its added momentum to get us there.
Woof, Deb